Saturday, August 31, 2019

Joe Gargery’s Character Analysis Essay

‘†¦all(Dicken’s characters), no matter how briefly sketched are real.(CLIFFS NOTES P.54).Charles Dickens has the ability to make his characters very close to human, if not human. Charles Dickens’ novel, Great Expectations, is mainly based on a character named Pip who goes from ‘rags’ to ‘riches’. Joe Gargery, Pip’s brother-in-law, lives with Pip and Mrs. Joe in the marsh country. He is a blacksmith who doesn’t make a lot of money but manages to stay a mild and good-natured man. But what causes Joe to stay so mild and good-natured throughout Pip’s transformation? The truth can only be revealed through studying his relationship to Pip, his importance to the plot, and the theme he best represents. When Pip’s parents die, his sister decides to bring him up ‘by the hand'(p.559). She has a very hard time with Pip, and in the future says, ‘I’d never do it[bring Pip up] again!'(p.560). Then she marries Joe Gargery. Joe and Pip form this ‘everlasting’ relationship, mainly because they were both ‘brought up by the hand'(p.559). Joe always looks out for Pip and helps Pip out. Mrs. Joe would never do this. For example, when Pip was coming back from the graveyard after his first encounter with the convict, he find out that Mrs. Joe had gone on a rampage with the tickler only by Joe telling him. When Mrs. Joe returns, she throws Pip at Joe and Joe guards Pip from any harm Mrs. Joe can do. Though these incidents, Joe develops a steady, everlasting relationship with Pip. When Pip receives word of his expectation, he also found out that in order to get his expectation and become a gentleman, he must go to London. Pip’s reason for wanting to become a gentleman is mainly for Estella. He will do anything to impress Estella and win her heart. Pip knew he had to go if he were ever going to win Estella’s heart. Joe had built up such a strong relationship with Pip that he didn’t want anything to do with the obstruction of Pip’s future. Another reason for Joe loving Pip is when Pip was sick and in debt, Joe went to London and helped Pip. Joe paid his debts(even though he himself had money problems) and stayed at Pip’s bedside every second he was sick. According to Joe, †Ã¢â‚¬ ¦you and me was ever friends.† (p.706) Joe must love Pip more than anything in the world if he flew to London just to help an ‘old friend’. Pip’s relationship to Joe wasn’t quite  as ‘smooth’ as Joe’s relationship to Pip. At the beginning of the novel, Pip and Joe had an equal relationship, the both cared and helped each other. Joe, for example, let Pip know of Mrs. Joe’s rampage and Pip taught Joe to read. So they both had an equal relationship at the beginning. But when Pip received word of his expectation, things changed. Pip only concentrates on being a gentleman and winning over Estella. Pip doesn’t think about Joe much anymore. When Joe went to visit Pip, and Joe kept trying to put his hat on the corner of the chimney piece without realizing it is too big, Pip becomes very annoyed with him. ‘I felt impatient of him and out of temper with him.'(p.631) If things were like home, Pip would teach Joe, not be annoyed at him. But Joe, being this mild and good-natured man, blames the whole incident on himself. The relationships between Pip and Joe are very different throughout the novel. Without Joe in the novel, Pip wouldn’t have ever received his great expectation. Joe is the ‘man of the house’. Joe provides the family with money. This money gives them a place to stay, food, and clothing. When Pip met the first convict, he demanded a file and wittles. Where would Pip get these items if Joe were not there to provide the money, which provided the food, shelter, and clothing? Pip would not be able to provide his convict with the file and wittles and the other convict would take Pip’s heart and lungs out. Then, there would be nobody to give the expectation to and there would also be no reason to give the expectation. The main reason for the convict giving the expectation was the last person who did something good for him. But Pip never gives the wittles and file to the convict so there was no last good thing done. So, without Joe, there would be no expectation. The theme Joe best represents is ‘Sophisticated manners are not nearly as important as genuine kindness and affection.’ At the beginning of the novel, Joe and Pip’s did not show sophisticated manners but stayed friends because they had kindness and affection for each other. But as Pip received his expectation, became a gentleman, and went to London, he lived in an environment of sophisticated manners. Manners in which Joe were not familiar with. But Joe did not care about how sophisticated Pip became. All he cared about was the kindness and affection they had together. That was all that  mattered in their friendship to Joe. Overall, Joe’s relationship to Pip gets an A+ because his thoughts of Pip stayed steady throughout the novel no matter what Pip did to Joe. Pip’s relationship to Joe gets a C because at the beginning he felt the same way about Joe but his expectation changed his feelings about Joe. Nothing should be able to break up a strong relationship. Joe’s importance to the plot received an A because the plot would not be able to continue without Joe. Joe’s representation to the theme received an A because Joe was the one who didn’t care about sophisticated manners, but only genuine kindness and affection. ‘†¦There has been no writer of fiction in the western world who had Dicken’s genius for creating such an infinite variety of characters.'(CLIFFS NOTES p.54) Charles Dickens has created Joe as an amazing character in the novel, Great Expectations.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Project Management Essay

Due to the rapid changes in the working world and the business environment, organizations have been forced to transform as a way of surviving in the ever-changing business environment. According to Gardiner (2005), most organizations Have adopted projects as their means of implementing change within the organization. The adoption of a project oriented a approach, with its associated management framework, is sufficient to ensure greater success in the implementation of change within an organization. While use of best practices in project management may not guarantee success in the change of an organization, the presence of projects increases the opportunity for success. Studies have shown that, where a project manager is well equipped with the skills and knowledge of project management, projects work as the best tools for implementing change within the organization. The Concept on Project Management Project management refers to the discipline managing, planning and organizing resources to achieve successful completion of specific project objectives and goals. A project is in nature a finite endeavor, that specifies the date as to when it should begin, and the time when it should end, this is done in order to create a unique service or product that brings about added value, or beneficial change in a company. The finite character of the project is different from operations or processes of an organization, some of which may be permanent or functional work, that are used to repeated operations, with the aim of producing similar goods or services. Management of the two systems is always complex and difficult. There is therefore need to employ distinct technical skills and adopt separate philosophy of management, that would enable the implementation of the best project that can bring beneficial returns to the company. messages. Application of Project Management in Organizational Change According to Gray & Larson (2006), in the regime where implementation for change is the motto for most organizations, projects are the best vehicles for implementing change. The aspect of project management has in fact become more significant than ever. In any company that needs to change its organizational structure so as to change with the improving technology, or in order to meet the needs and wants of the consumers, projects are used as the vehicles for implementing the required change, and managing the related change. It is however important to possess the ability to sustain and build project management in order to succeed in the implementation of change. The importance of project management has been illustrated by the efforts of Swiss Re organization by using all its business operations to meet the requirements of e-business. Projects were used as the main vehicles for implementing this change. Great concern has however been expressed in the way most projects once began fail to deliver, or get stopped while they are underway. According to a research carried out by Levine (2005), most of the Information technology projects implemented were discouraging with 90% of the projects being late to deliver change in the organizations. It has been shown that, 50% of the projects are never completed at the right time, while 30% of the projects began are stopped while still underway. Project management allows the implementation of change in an organization in a more organized manner likely to realize success. The major challenge of any form of project management is to attain the objectives and goals put in place, while at the same time adhering to project constraints which are usually in the form of time factor, budget and scope. The more ambitious and secondary challenge is the optimization of integration and allocation of inputs that may be necessary to meet the goals and objectives. The success of a project management is associated with the nature the project itself. Projects involve most of the key players in an organization, both the managers and the workers at the lowest level. Projects also involve the entire organizational participation. For instance, it involves people, money, provisions, motivation, communication and space, in order to achieve the project objectives and goals. With the contribution of all these elements, an organization is able to identify and make use of the best resources as a means of attaining the best results. Gray & Larson (2006), have emphasized that the managers can easily identify the talented workers and most potential factors in the organization, and allocate them where they can give a maximum contribution towards the achievement of the company. Management of a project is often the key responsibility and province of a specific individual project manager. The manager however does not participate directly, but instead strives to maintain progress and motivate other factors involved in the process, so as to achieve the objectives. The aim of the project manager also involves striving to achieve productive mutual interaction of the active parties, in a way that the entire risk of failure is reduced. Studies have shown that, where a project manager is well equipped with the skills and knowledge of project management, projects work as the best tool for implementing change within the organization. The project manager should be well equipped with the vision and mission of the organization, so as to direct the process of the project in the right direction, failure to which the project may fail to deliver, be late to achieve its goals, or get stopped while underway due to discouragements. The project manager represents the interests of clients and has to implement, as well as determine the specific needs and requirements of the clients, based on the understanding of the organization they are representing. Gray & Larson (2006), have expressed that the capability to adopt the available internal systems of the contracting organization, and to establish close links among the nominated representatives, is an important step to ensure that the major issues of quality, time, and cost among others are attained with the main aim of client satisfaction. A successful and focused manager should be in a position to envision the whole project from the beginning to the end, and should have the skills and ability to ensure that the vision is realized in order to achieve successful change within an organization. In order to attain successful change by use of a project, there is need for the project manager to consider the three key factors that include human resources, time and finance. If an organization is in need of achieving change in the shortest time possible, there is need to employ more people and resources towards the problem. Though this may increase the cost of the project, it may be the best way of achieving an organizational change in the shortest time possible. Doing the task quicker in fact helps to reduce the cost of the project, the organization may end up spending the same amount it may have spent if it was to carry the same project in a prolonged period. Researchers have established that, there is no single way of implementing a project within an organization due to the fact that each each enterprise is unique, has different characteristics, and different financial capability. It is therefore important for the project managers to consider the features that are appropriate and important within any organization. Consideration of the important factors guide the project managers to come up with appropriate and accurate projects that can easily realize the vision of a specific organization. Cultural Factors Considered in the Implementation of project Management According to Dye & Pennypacker (1999), some of the important cultural organizational factors considered while implementing a project include the history of the previous enterprise implementations, record of failures or success of the company is looked into, as this provides an insight into what should be done to achieve success in the project. A consideration is also done on the types of operational work and projects to be managed, organizations that are able to clearly prioritize and identify their projects end up with rigorous features of a project from the initial stages to the end, unlike organizations that do not identify and prioritize their projects at the first stages of implementation. The number of departments involved within the organization are also considered. This directs the planners to consider if the project is meant to satisfy a small number of users, or whether the project should expand in the process, if other departments will be incorporate as time goes by, or whether all the departments will be involved from the begging, thus requiring the project to satisfy a large number of users from the on-set stage. The expectation and support of the senior leadership is considered as a very important factor, because their involvement drive acceptance, and appropriate expectation. This is important for the success and realization of the changes expected within the organization. The value to the end user and management is absolutely important to ensure that the change implemented through the use of the project satisfy the needs and expectations of all parties involved in the process. According to Levine (2005), organizations also consider the maturity of the desired project management discipline. The 2007 project server is often used as it contains important features for managing projects. Where an organization is considering the application of project management for the first time, it is not easy to incorporate all the capabilities at the first instance. Studies have established that, staging the first features in project management implementation help to establish both the short term and long term changes effected in an organization. Any changes that are likely to take place are considered due to the fact that, if too much changes takes place, the chances of implementation reduce, with most of the people within the organization becoming resistant to the change. Resistant to change is one of the human characteristics. Critique of Project Management Approach Researchers have however established that there still exist discomfort in the use of projects. While project management is preferred as the most efficient way of implementing change within an organization, use of too many projects may fail to deliver the desired results. Researchers have asserted that, most projects in organizations fail to deliver due to the use of poor project management practices, whose importance has been ignored by managers over a long period of time (Balogun, & Hailey, 2004). Grundy, & Brown (2002), have argued that the approach of organizational management is not effective on its own in the field of information technology, because they assume that IT solutions are developed by a technical team. The potential solution for organizations dealing with IT has been stated to be misaligned with the important characteristics of an organization like incentives or culture. Combining the management of projects in IT and organizational change management as it has been argued, cannot produce the desired results for the organizational change. Conclusion From the above analysis, studies have shown that, where a project manager is well equipped with the skills and knowledge of project management, projects work as the best tool for implementing change within the organization. Senior managers spend a lot of efforts and time promoting and formulating their strategy, but most of the time, they realize very little changes within the organization. The strategy may not yield the results expected, somehow the original goals are dissipated in the process of moving the strategy to implement the change, and the initial momentum may be lost before the anticipated benefits are achieved. Failure to implement change occurs as a result of the senior management trying to make use of the the existing structures and systems within the organization, the status quo, to change the same status quo. The adoption of a project oriented a approach with its associated management framework, is sufficient to ensure greater success in the implementation of change within an organization.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Distribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Distribution - Essay Example tury old strategy of independent dealers to a reduced number of jointly held super stores, thus reducing competition among the dealers and shifting the focus to competing with the other automobile dealers (1). In 2005, the Ford unified its Ford and Mercury Lincoln division to strengthen its marketing, sales and service, in the face of growing competition. (2). Therefore in the last decade Ford has demonstrated an urge to adapt to the environment in which it functions. These changes have not given Ford the boost it needs. Ford needs to be more innovative in its changes in the distribution and sales strategies, in keeping with revolutionary change that it brought about in the early 1900s through mass production assembly lines (3). So what is the innovative distribution strategy that Ford can consider? A look at its web site provides a possible solution. In its web site Ford offers a prospective customer the means to navigate and find out the range of products and accessories offered and the possible cost of a product with a variety of accessories and financing facilities. In short the customer has all the information he needs to make the purchase, but now has to go to a jointly held super store and place his order. In case Ford were to make use of the Internet and sell directly it would be making use of direct selling strategies. No doubt this would be against the grain of traditional sales and distribution in the automobile industry sector, which has relied on indirect dealer based sales. There is no market intelligence to suggest that Ford is considering such a change, but then maybe such an innovative change in the automobile sector would be to the advantage of Ford. The reason for this suggestion is the example of Dell Inc. Dell changed the way in which business enterprises have viewed direct selling strategies and the use of the Internet for sales, through its successes in the computer and peripherals market. This remarkable direct-sales model was the result

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Features Of Australian Federal Budget 2011 Essay

Features Of Australian Federal Budget 2011 - Essay Example ies said that the inflationary pressure would further increase according to the profile of the budget and an anticipated fall in the unemployment rate. The HSBC chief economist Paul Bloxham believes that the budget may have an adverse influence on the risk elements around the inflation outlook. He argues that the government’s increased spending on skills training and encouragement on skilled immigration may not help ease inflation. The impact of Federal Budget on unemployment The terms of the Australian Federal Budget 2011 indicates that the budget can significantly reduce the unemployment rate. The budget forecasts that the country’s real GDP growth would increase by 4 percent in 2011-12 whereas the exports in 2011-12 would rise by 6.5 percent; in addition, the budget expects that unemployment rate would fall from 5 to 4.5 per cent during the next two years (‘Australian high commission media release- 12’, 2011). Presently, some of the households have not a breadwinner. Although, the Australian economy is badly in need of employees, unwilling and unskilled workers become a great threat to the country. However, the economy has created over 3000,000 jobs over the past year and hence it is estimated that the unemployment rate can be further reduced in 2013 by creating more job opportunities. The budget has set aside over $3 billion over six years as part of its â€Å"Building Australia’s Future Workforce† policy. This policy focuses on â€Å"developing stronger relations between industry and training organizations, modernizing apprenticeship programs, and reforming the national training system† (‘Employment & income support’, 2011,). The budget has provisioned for a $674 billion for productive strategies including employment outcomes. In addition, there is a... The budget forecasts that the country’s real GDP growth would increase by 4 percent in 2011-12 whereas the exports in 2011-12 would rise by 6.5 percent; in addition, the budget expects that unemployment rate would fall from 5 to 4.5 percent during the next two years. Presently, some of the households have not a breadwinner. Although, the Australian economy is badly in need of employees, unwilling and unskilled workers become a great threat to the country. However, the economy has created over 3000,000 jobs over the past year and hence it is estimated that the unemployment rate can be further reduced in 2013 by creating more job opportunities. The budget has set aside over $3 billion over six years as part of its â€Å"Building Australia’s Future Workforce† policy. This policy focuses on â€Å"developing stronger relations between industry and training organizations, modernizing apprenticeship programs, and reforming the national training system†. The budge t has provisioned for a $674 billion for productive strategies including employment outcomes. In addition, there is a $526.6 million provision in the Federal Budget for some other purposes which include the creation of employment opportunities for Indigenous Australians. Additionally, the government has designed a $8.5 million package over the next four years; one of the main objectives of this package is to improve the operational effectiveness of Job Services Australia and Disability Employment Services.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Diversity in the work place (USA) managers challanges Research Paper

Diversity in the work place (USA) managers challanges - Research Paper Example Legislations and new technologies have made it possible for those with disabilities to join the workforce as it has become unlawful to deny a qualified person job opportunity due to physical disability (Nelson and Quick, 2012). Globalization in business transactions has also resulted in a diversified workforce as business organizations continue to discover new markets leading to opening of branches abroad therefore bringing together people from diverse national origins to work in teams for the organization (Cullen and Parboteeah, 2013). I recently visited a bank to open an account and did not fail to notice the racial, gender, and cultural diversity of the employees. On reading the banks brochure I discovered since it was an international banking agency, employees could be rotated all over the world. The U. S society is also a factor in workplace diversity where Nelson and Quick (2012) note that by about 2020, the country’s minority population will make up over one-half of new employees who join the U.S. workforce. This the authors point out is as a result of the improved participation rates of African Americans and Hispanic Americans in the labor force. Further, the authors see white non-Hispanics in the workforce making up 68 percent by the year 2020, 14 percent Hispanic, 11 percent African Americans and 5 percent Asian. The authors note this is an improved percentage that will see the workplace being more diversified (Nelson and Quick, 2012). Diversity in the culture of employees might pose a big challenge to managers who want to work with such a team. One of the major challenges for a diversified workforce is based on the difficulties in communication. People from diverse cultures have different ways of encoding and decoding messages whether verbal or nonverbal. Such cultural-based interpretation of communicated messages may lead to misunderstanding among employees leading to poor workplace relations due to misinterpretation of each other’s in tentions (Reece, 2013). Workplace diversity runs the risk of causing disorganization in the work place. People from the same background tend to form their own subgroups since they present the same ideas and viewpoints. This poses a challenge to the management, as they cannot rally all the employees to take a common stand through consensus building. Due to the disorganization in the workplace, the organization suffers as production is lowered when all employees and management cannot come together to champion a common course. Diversity in the workplace comes with stereotypes on how different groups of people work in the organization. Stereotyping increases stress and anxiety as the worker faced with such a challenge feels discriminated upon leading to low output levels (Nelson and Quick, 2012). The problem for mangers is coming up with strategic measure that will ensure effective management of people through creation of an organizational environment that attracts and retains diverse w orkforce by responding to changes in the demographic and social patterns

Monday, August 26, 2019

Racial Discrimination in the U.S. Judicial System Research Paper

Racial Discrimination in the U.S. Judicial System - Research Paper Example Generally, racism may be considered as the social practice that apportions merits or attributes values to people who belong to groups that have been racially categorized exclusively based on the race they belong to (Mann and Zatz 3). There are about three different aspects associated with racism including personal prejudice: institutional racism that involves policies that operate to create differences between various races and ideological racism where biology and culture are the justification for the superior position of a dominant culture. One of the characteristics associated with institutionalized racism is petit apartheid which is a concept that entails hidden or informal interactions between police and minorities in a daily basis including various policing activities that could or could not lead to apprehension and subsequent entrance into the justice system. Petit apartheid has continued to be addressed recently hypothetically and also based on practices which could be include d in its range of definition with the emphasis of petit apartheid appearing to be attitudinal aspects that have an effect on policing and other choices in the system including beliefs and actions that are culturally biased such as rough treatment, insults and quality of judicial instructions along with other discretionary actions that may exist within the system.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Nemiros Research on Creativity in Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nemiros Research on Creativity in Teams - Essay Example Malhotra (2000, p.101) stated that, "These structures are characterized by such terms as virtual, boundary-less or networked." The people or members are involved in virtual teams, are scattered geographically and communicate with each other through information technology. Nemiro proposed three different types of work design approaches: the wheel, modular and iterative approach. Members on two different status levels make up the network, a high-status member (the leader or supervisor) and lower level members or assistants. The higher status member is usually referred to as the hub or center of network, through which all communication must pass. If the team member has to put forward an idea, it should be directly presented to the team leader rather then being shared by the other members. So, in most situations, the team members of the lower status lack communication and sharing of information prevails. The duties are delegated to the team members by the leader or the lower status team members present their ideas personally to the leader. The second proposed work design approach is the modular approach, which is repeatedly used by the virtual teams to complete their tasks. This approach involves more communication then the previous one. Firstly, the team sets a face to face group meeting and decides on the steps that are suppose to be followed, while finding the solution to the problem or completing the task. Nemiro (2002) stated that, "Team members met initially to decide on the need, task, or project to be pursed. Then, as a group, the work was parceled out or distributed among team members" After completing the initial step the team members disperse in order to extract information through different sources individually or accompanied by other members. The findings then are discussed among the team members before the final submission. 3. The iterative approach Most virtual groups use iterative approach where there is more connection with the team members is involved. None of the step is done in isolation or without communicating it to the other members. The feedback is being given at every step or at every finding. Nemiro (2002) has written that group members who are involved in the developmental cycles, each member shows some work at every step and gets feedback. Similar procedure is followed until final submission. This approach is widely used because the results are more impressive and accurate because in the feedback session more ideas can be generated on the new findings and the results get closer to the perfection. How the approaches would be helpful Nobody can deny the effectiveness of the traditional team structures which

The Contract Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Contract Process - Essay Example onal Development Professional of Coca-Cola Company, I will create several contract process intervention measures to ensure that the profitability of the company and employees morale is increases as well as ensure that the company market share increases. Among the intervention measures that will be undertaken include; application of contracting tools and techniques. Among the tools and techniques to be employed are defining the proper contract process that should be followed by the company. A Contract process in this case will involve; initiation phase, bidding phase, contract development phase, contract management phase and closure phase. The above phases should be strictly adhered to ensure that Coca-Cola Company does not lose its financial resources via awarding supply contracts to unqualified contractors. The Initiation phase further focuses at defining the contract requirements as well as activities that must be fulfilled. In this phase a contract is determine where it is a contr act of sale, procurement contract, commercial agreements, a contract of partnership among others forms of contract (Frey, 2012). Under the bidding phase, the organization invites highly qualifiers vendors to apply for the contract. The organization stipulates the qualifications for that must be met by the applicants prior submitting their application. This may involve submission of necessary documents required, amount of cash and the procedure that the applicants should follow when submitting their bids. After the applicants have submitted their bids the contract management committee reviews their application and invite the most appropriate applicant to sign the contract. The contract move into another phase known as contract development phase where the project is being monitored and financial resources utilized to enable efficient execution of the contract. The contract management phase is also undertaken to ensure that resources are properly utilized for proper execution of the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Crossing Cultures; The Eruption of Rock'n Roll Essay

Crossing Cultures; The Eruption of Rock'n Roll - Essay Example Husbands went to work. Woman stayed home with the children. Children went to school and hoped to either be the quarterback or homecoming queen. It was the ideal interpretation of white middle class suburbia; a very orderly and conservative time. IT was, also, a time of segregation, racial tension, and a need for boiling social change just under the surface. â€Å"Rock ‘n’ Roll was everything that the 1950s suburbia was not.† ("America Rocks and Rolls") Needless to say, parents were shocked when they heard the â€Å"new† music that their children were listening to. Despite some popular ideas that rock ‘n’ roll just suddenly appeared onto the scene is hardly true, †It came about gradually over time through many cultural and musical influences.† (Garafalo, and Bowman) The origins can be traced to rhythm and blues, jazz, country, zydeco, latin elements all mixed together. In cities like New Orleans, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Cincinnati is where the seeds had first taking root. As great artists like Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, and Little Richard were already bringing these inspirational beats and amplified instrumentation to audiences. This â€Å"black† music was spreading quickly and the sounds were attracting white teens. â€Å"Children were moving to a new beat.† ("America Rocks and Rolls") However, due to racial issues these talented artists were not getting the airplay they needed to be recognized beyond local circles. Record producers were seeing the potential of this â€Å"new† music and its obvious growing popularity. They hoped that by recording white performers covering the works of the black performers would make it more marketable. This was a failure. These hired performers had thinned out and softened the feeling and passion of the songs that had made them so inspiring to begin with. It was a not until a white southern boy, with good looks, a soulful sound, and gyrating hips became the â€Å"new† face that would popularize the